What should you be doing daily on IG?

Question for ya… 

Have you ever opened Instagram with every intention of posting but then found yourself mindlessly scrolling through reels for an hour? 

Yep- I’ve been there too. 

It’s so easy to get distracted when IG is such a goldmine of great content (and thanks to the algorithm they serve up the exact kind of stuff you want to see). 

That’s why I created my own system for daily activities in order to grow.

I’m sharing it with you today because your time as a biz owner is valuable and I know you want to do the things that make sense in order to grow on social media- not just exist in that space! 

Here are the six things I suggest doing each day as part of your Instagram strategy… 

1. Reply to all incoming messages 
2. Respond to comments and mentions
3. Engage with followers and in hashtags
4. Share a piece of content
5. Post on stories throughout the day

6. Check insights from your last post

➡️ WHY should we take these actions? 

📲RESPOND- to build community and trust among followers and increase engagement

☑️ CHECK- to understand how your content strategy is performing so you know what’s working and what’s not

🗣 SHARE- to create new posts for discoverability and growth and to nurture your existing audience

🌃 POST- to connect with your audience and encourage DMs through stories, which leads to sales conversion

If you stay on task this entire list will probably take you about 20 minutes! So now you can work smarter and be focused on what will move the needle when it comes to the things you can control on social media.

Go ahead, try it out today and see how accomplished you will feel!

Looking for more support when it comes to number 4? Click here to download 43 free content ideas for reels, stories, feed posts and more!

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