How to brain dump to get unstuck

2022 is off to a _____ start. You fill in the blank.  

You may already be rocking your way through 2022.

Or may be feeling stuck

If you are the latter, read on… You envision 2022 as your best year yet- but there are so many things you want to do and can do and need to do that it is all overwhelming.  So you find yourself not taking action because there are too many paths to choose from right now.

I get that because I’ve been there. 

But here’s the thing- 2022 is 12 months long. You DO NOT need to do everything in a day. Heck, you don’t even have to do everything THIS YEAR! You have plenty of time. So take a deep breath and let’s sort it all out. 

First things first, get all those ideas out of your head.  

My favorite way to do this is through a brain dump. Basically, you write down everything circulating in your head for all areas of your life. To help you with this I have a quadrant method worksheet that you can download + print here. 

Once you have that all written out I want you to select just THREE things from your business brain dump. Now label them in order 1-3 with one being the most important.  

That will be the first project/task/thing you work toward in your business right now. Whenever I do a brain dump I always end up with way more clarity than I did before.

I hope this is the case for you too. Now, let’s move forward toward your goals and tackle the things that will move the needle for you.  I am cheering you on! 

PS- if one of the items on your brain dump list has to do with social media or email marketing I would love to help you define your 2022 strategy and create a clear path for what steps you’ll take to grow! Click here and send me a DM on IG with the word STRATEGY and I will send over some ways we can work together.

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